Yes you can save on energy bills! Have you been wondering why your home is losing energy and why the energy bills are so high? It is probably due to power inefficiency, which can be a consequence of leaky windows, a poorly sealed attic, ductwork tears and invisible cracks.
All these factors not only affect your spending but can also cause health and safety issues to your family. To improve your overall living, we recommend you to do a home energy audit. Also known as an energy assessment, which will assess all of your home’s energy uses and outline all of the specifics.
You will understand better how you use power every day and what methods you can take in the future to save energy, money and reduce your carbon footprint.
What are the benefits of performing a home energy audit?
Save money
As already mentioned, you will be able to save money, which will help you lay aside between 5% and 30% on energy bills in the long term.
Save Energy
Air leakage, caused by improper isolation, can be the very reason making you cold at night. By making some small improvements in your home, such as tightening up your windows, you will be able to save a lot of energy.
Improve your Health and Safety
We always want to ensure the highest safety for our families. Still, sometimes we forget to inspect our very own home, which can be a potential threat due to unreliable wiring which leads to electrical fires. The audit team will use advanced tools and techniques to prevent that from happening.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
In these modern times, we should do all we can to reduce our carbon footprint. Which can be drastically minimized with improving your house’s energy efficiency. A home energy audit will fix your air leakage, ensure proper isolation and advise you on energy-efficient appliances. Which will all help improve your impact on the environment.
How does it work?
You can hire a professional auditor or do a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) audit. However, if you don’t yet have any experience, we highly recommend you choosing a professional service for your first home energy audit.They will perform a test, which will help them discover the energy-loss causes. Based on the results, they will develop a home improvement project, that will boost your home’s efficiency.
Choose a professional auditor.
A skilled energy auditor will help you recognize all the problems and potential threats in your house, without spending your precious time.
They will go through different aspects of your energy usage and identify the biggest energy-consuming places in your home.
Prepare a list.
If you already know or suspect the cause of your energy loss, we highly recommend you to prepare a list for your energy auditor.
It will also help if you offer information, such as:
- Provide copies of your utility bills.
- Describe your living habits (how much time you spend at home, how many people live in your household, etc.).
- List your average thermostat setting for summer and winter.
- Inform about the unused rooms, such as guestrooms, the attic and the basement.
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